Claudia Campbell

I’m Claudia and I’m a believer, wife, mama, super loud cheerleader and friend. I am also a writer and coach who loves beach sunsets, peonies, coffee, and confetti.

I’m so excited to have you join me in seeking, gathering, and savoring moments of beauty even as we wrestle in a world filled with longing and brokenness.

My mission

Pursuing simple joy and relentless wonder in
waiting and surrender


How do you experience
joy in suffering?

Life is hard - I get it! And as I cling to hope I’ve realized that since I can’t escape the reality of suffering, I want to be left in awe of the ordinary wonders that exist in and through it all.

I’m on a mission to discover the simple, hidden joys in life. Then I want to collect these moments, and savor them as hopeful reminders of the goodness of God in the times when darkness lingers. And that’s my desire for you too friend. 

My hope is that as you get comfy in this space, you will feel loved, seen, and inspired to celebrate the author of your beautifully hard story. You are not alone. Thank you for gathering stones with me!

Love, Claudia

Free Digital Scripture Prints

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the blog

Latest musings on
suffering, life, and joy


Waiting on Peonies


Glad We Didn’t See It Coming


Dear Sons

for this I prayed

for this I prayed

DEBUT BOOK coming sooN!

Debut devotional and guided prayer coming 2024! 

Be sure to subscribe to emails to get all the details, sneak peeks, and free gifts along the way!

These Stones Remain

60 Reflections on Finding Hope when Darkness Lingers

Simply THIS

Daily glimpses of Thanksgiving and Hope for all seasons, from words of encouragement to delight in the form of an Anthropologie plate.